Go Back to Simpler Times at Williams Car Show

Aren’t we all longing for those “good old days” – that time when life was easier and simpler?  Come to Williams, AZ Friday or Saturday, June 7 or 8 for the annual classic car show right on Historic Route 66 … Continue reading

Beat the Heat in the Mountains and Forests of Northern Arizona

All of Arizona is not sweltering in summer heat, although the media may have everyone believing that. As heatwaves make news nationwide, life in the mountains makes a great, and almost necessary, escape. The forest of ponderosa pines in the … Continue reading

Is This Your Grand Canyon Time?

Grand Canyon National Park South Rim never closes…but it did during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is opening up in phases; parts of this majestic – and gigantic – canyon will be open 24/7 beginning June 5, 2020.  2020, and even … Continue reading