Travel Is Stressful, But This Destination Is Worth It

There are blogs upon blogs out there with tips to make travel less stressful. Google it and you’ll find them, but really, what can you do about the inevitable things that go wrong and people that disappoint?  As Innkeepers of … Continue reading

Now, More Than Ever, It’s About Relationships

Humans want what we can’t have – in the midst of a global pandemic those wants include hugs and handshakes, human touch. We miss those simple gestures and often can’t even flash a smile to brighten someone’s day, as our … Continue reading

Still Travel…But Differently…And Smarter

It’s just human nature to want something even more when you can’t have it. Right? One thing this time of COVID-19 “stay at home” orders all over the world has shown us is that we thrive when we can get … Continue reading

Saying Good-bye to a Furbaby Family Member

It’s been a little over 2 months since we said good-bye to Cody, our collie who was the greeter and most gentle soul “Inn dog” here at the Sheridan House Inn.  There wasn’t a guest who Cody didn’t love – … Continue reading